Friday, August 29, 2008

Blogging Workloads

Now that I have a reason to have a blog (assigned for homework) it feels more legitimate to me. And now that I have several very good blogs I use for work-related information RSS'd to me every day, I find that I have even greater respect for bloggers. I used to think it was a self-indulgent exercise, keeping a blog, and now I find I am very disappointed when a blog that I like has nothing new for the day. It's a lot of work for these good bloggers and a different sort of pressure than, say, writing for a newspaper.

We are all out there waiting in the "cloud" for great stuff; it feels more connected and personal than just reading a book or watching a commentator on TV. I guess that's the point everyone is making about web 2.0. It's just taking me a while!

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