Monday, September 8, 2008

Thing 14 -- delicious

I was so looking forward to this lesson, because I have wanted to try delicious ever since the BLC conference when presenters were easily sharing great links with us, all within seconds!  I found it a little difficult to get started with adding the browser toolbars, but now that they are added, it's a piece of cake.

I actually use a social bookmarking site as a makeshift library home page.  It's a site called "portaportal," and while not as snazzy as delicious, it allows me to put links our students and teachers need to use in one place.  there is no tagging, however, and it's more of a practical way to keep all of our websites easily in one place.  I do recommend it for that situation.  I was actually thinking of setting up my own portal, but I thought I would use delicious for my stuff and see how I liked it.  So far, so good!

Thing 13 -- Library Thing

Library thing is cool. It was fun to make this list of books I have read, see others who shared my interest, and have the chance to easily read and write reviews and make connections. I hadn't expected to see a tag cloud, but of course, it makes sense, and it was fun to see which authors were bigger on my cloud. I am thinking of all kinds of uses for Library thing among students and teachers where I work.